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Commercial Property Insurance in Kent, OH

Unexpected events like fires and theft can severely disrupt business continuity and result in substantial financial losses. To hedge against these risks, many business owners purchase commercial property insurance. This policy may assist in repairing or replacing business property that has been damaged by a covered event.

Is Commercial Property Insurance Required? a very tall building sitting next to a very tall building

Commercial property, or commercial building insurance, is not legally mandated. However, if you’ve taken out a loan for your property or leased commercial space, your lender or landlord may stipulate this coverage as part of your agreement. Although it’s not required, having it is essential to avoid bearing the cost of repairs or replacements entirely out of pocket.

What Does My Insurance Cover?

Commercial property policies may cover buildings or spaces your business owns, rents or leases. Standard policies usually include coverage for the following:

  • The physical structure of your business location
  • Furniture, equipment and inventory housed within the property
  • Important documents stored on-site
  • Outdoor features like signs, landscaping and fencing
  • Business interruption expenses, compensating for lost income if your property becomes unusable due to a covered event

How Much Is Commercial Property Insurance?

How much you’ll pay for commercial property coverage is based on factors such as the following:

  • Property value
  • Location
  • Construction materials used
  • Safety features installed

An insurance professional from Advantage Insurance Agency can help customize your policy and determine specific costs.

Secure a Policy Today

For more information on commercial property coverage, contact Advantage Insurance Agency today. Proudly serving Kent, Ravenna, Streetsboro, and the surrounding Ohio communities, our team is ready to help you select the best policy for your business.

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